Hello ! How are you doing today? Today is the 2nd part of:“Are you making these excuses to procrastinate at drawing?”(You can find the PART 1 here.) Table Of Contents Don't let yourself fouled by negativity.Remember to focus on positive vibes.7 Lies/Excuses we tell ourselves to procrastinate and fail as a beginner designerEXCUSE 1. "Others can draw. I can't."EXCUSE 2. "Being an artist is not a career" (Really?)EXCUSE 3. "If only I have...
Archive - June 2019
Hello ! It’s Chou-Tac, If you want to learn a language, learn playing piano,guitar or practicing a martial art. You need passion and patience to succeed.And it is the same for drawing. It looks tough when we start something new. But the good news is there is a first steppingstonefrom where you’ll start an exponential growth. Running all day, Table Of Contents EXCUSE 1. "I have No time"EXCUSE 2. "I have no talent !"EXCUSE 3. "I am not confident!"...