A cube is a 6-sided 3D form like a dice or a Rubik’s cube.
Artists and industrial designers learn how to draw in perspective drawing a series of cubes from any angles.

It helps to build their 3 dimension visualization skill.
So they can learn how to draw any products with good proportions.

Perspective can scare many beginners.
However, if we decompose the process in simple steps,
you can master the basics very fast.

This video tutorial shows you in a simple way how to draw a cube with a 2-point perspective easily.

You will see:

  • Step-by-step how to draw a cube
  • A time-lapse of the cube sketched from 9 basic angles.

How to draw a cube in perspective (2-point)

Click here to Download your complete beginner sketching book (4 guides)
Related article: How to draw a cube with 1-point perspective

Learn to see in perspective

The 2-point perspective vocabulary

To understand perspective the easy way, we draw a simple cube.
This 2-point perspective set up has only 4 elements:

  • GREEN LINE: Horizon line 
  • GREEN DOTS: 2 Vanishing points
  • BLUE LINES: 4 Converging lines
  • PINK LINES: 4 Vertical lines

Whenever you will draw in perspective, you will have to consider these.

What is the horizon line?

IMPORTANT: The horizon line is also called: The eye level.

FUN FACT: The horizon line is the straight and horizontal line you see far away at the beach when the water meets the sky. (It is basically the main line you see from any landscape very far away.)

Depending on the position of your cube (toward the horizon line), the viewer will perceive it differently.

This position will define the cube viewpoint.

How to draw a cube step-by-step

Step 0. Common mistake

how to draw a cube 2-point perspective - Common beginner mistakes

TO KEEP IN MIND: The beginner common mistake is when all the converging lines are not linked to your vanishing points.

Draw the horizon line

how to draw a cube 2-point perspective - Step 1 draw the horizon line

Draw the Vanishing points

how to draw a cube 2-point perspective - Step 2 draw the vanishing points

Draw a Vertical line

how to draw a cube 2-point perspective - Step 3 draw vertical line

Set up the height

how to draw a cube 2-point perspective - Step 4 set up height

Connect each dot to both vanishing points

how to draw a cube 2-point perspective - Step 5 join vanishing points

Estimate the width for both sides
(Check the reference view)

how to draw a cube 2-point perspective - Step 6 box width

Spot these 4 dots and draw 2 vertical lines

how to draw a cube 2-point perspective - Step 7 box height

Draw the back surface of the cube

The left vertical lines’ dots connect to the right vanishing point.

how to draw a cube 2-point perspective - Step 8 converging line to left

Draw the other back surface of the cube

The right vertical lines’ dots connect to the left vanishing point.

how to draw a cube 2-point perspective - Step 9 converging line to right

Observe the two points behind. Are they vertically aligned?

how to draw a cube 2-point perspective - Step 10 hidden points

STEP11. If yes, connect them with success!! 

how to draw a cube 2-point perspective - Step 11 cube drawing completed

Bold the cube!

how to draw a cube 2-point perspective - Bold

DRAW EVERY SINGLE ANGLE! how to draw a cube 2-point perspective - all viewpoints


Cube and vertical position

Case A: On top
When you draw the cube on the top side of the horizon line: it is above your eye level. The below surface of the cube is visible.

Case B: Below
When you draw the cube on the bottom side of the horizon line: it is below your eye level. The top surface of your cube is visible.

Simple right ? 🙂

Draw cube in sky - Cube on the ground with 2-point perspective
The horizon line is also called the eye-level

Cube experiment | Vertical position

I invite you to experiment this in real life.:

  1. Take a box, a thick book, or anything cubic.
  2. Hold it in front of you
  3. Move it up and down.
  4. Be attentive to the bottom and top surface of your object.
You can draw both cubes on the same horizon line
You can draw both cubes on the same horizon line

Cube and horizontal position

Case A: Cube in the middle
When the cube is drawn in the middle of both Vanishing points (the 2 green dots), both left and right sides of the cube are visually equal.

Case B: Cube on the left
When the cube is on the left, the right side becomes visually longer.
(This is called the foreshortening visual effect.) 

Cube experiment | Horizontal position

Imagine you are talking to someone face to face. The vertical line of the nose represents the front edge of the cube.

If that person is in front of you, you see both left and right sides of the face.
But when that person will make a step on your left, you will see more his right side.

Draw many boxes of different sizes!

You are now ready to draw many boxes of any sizes and angles with this simple step-by-step cube drawing tutorial! : D

3d box drawing
3d box drawing from any angles!

Congratulation on completing the Cube and boxes tutorial!

What’s next?

Let’s level up the game!

To acquire this cube drawing skill until it becomes intuitive, we are going to raise the level a bit. 🙂

I show you how to draw complex 3D forms with a very simple technique – all starting from a basic cube drawing.

We will increase your 3d vision drawing an infinity of forms from your own imagination!

Drawing unlimited forms starting from a 2-point perspective cube!
Have fun drawing unlimited forms, all starting from a simple 2-point perspective box!


Hello! I am a Product Designer from France.

If the sketching methods I’ve acquired aid me in my life and in my industrial design career, I believe that they can also help you reach your design goal as a student or professional.

My aim is to help you all along with your design projects and journey!

Leave a comment in the blog or send me an email at choutac@thedesignsketchbook.com : )


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