Archive - June 2017

No time for drawing? How to unlock 5 months per year!

Hello! It’s Chou-Tac, How are you doing today? I know how we all have a busy life, and how many beginners have little time to pursue their passion for sketching. Have you ever said: “I have no time to draw.” – “I feel guilty, I procrastinate and stagnate.” “Damn… I wish I could make it !”… Let me help you with this with today’s “simple” trick. But first, let me share with you the Big picture: Our life and agenda are...

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What matter more than sketching or creativity skills to grow like crazy.

Hello ! It’s Chou-Tac, How things going today ? At noon, I met Eugene and his wife Mandy for lunch at Ho Chi Minh City. They are such a lovely couple. Vietnam is the 3rd country I met in real life people who follow the Design Sketchbook blog. It’s meaningful to me and I feel closer to my readers and students. Let me share with you about Eugene’s story as an aspiring designer, as you may live the same situation. Eugene is a “white collar”, 28yo and wants to change...

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Don’t be precious with your sketches

Hello! It’s Chou-Tac How are you today? Last day I was at Panam, a French pub in Ho Chi Minh owned and driven by my franco-viet friends Khiem and Remy. I enjoy going there to chill and eat Kebab. They make the greatest Kebab in town with amazing Belgium fries. YUM !! When you reach inside, you can expect a warm gathering of laughing and enthusiast people. And that night, we were singing Karaoke! I did not sing myself but I did bring my sketchbook with my Pilot pen. I took them out from my...

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Introvert designer? How to make people remember you at networking.

Hello! It’s Chou-Tac A lot of designers happened to be introvert (included me), and we may suffer from not being able to socialize with people as easy as we would like to. Networking is not natural for us. Let me share with you a simple trick I practice that starts giving results for me. 🙂 Have you ever met nice people and forgot their name a few minutes later ? Me, I did a lot, and still do. Do you have a goldfish memory? Since I am in Vietnam, I may have already “met more than 100...

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“Is the best Pho in France or Vietnam?” How a chat with a local inspires me as a designer.

Hello guys from Vietnam ! How are you doing today ? Here is pretty rainy (Raining season), and I just came back from lunch. I am thinking to start sharing with you more about my daily inspiration thoughts or inspiration as a product designer. As I believe that design sketching techniques are just one piece of the puzzle. Creativity, an other one. Would this piece of puzzle be something you may like receiving ? Let me know ! Today, let me share with you a story that may arouse your...

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