Admitted into art & design school? Congratulations! Here are some tips and tricks on how to make the most out of each and every class throughout your studies. 8 student attitudes to succeed in your art & design school How to Make the Most Out Of Your Art & Design School Studies The 8 Student attitudes of Achievers (vs Complainers). Feel gratitude Stop complaining to achieve more Starting simple is key. Be proud of your school Love the design process Don’t skip the basics of...
Archive - July 2020
The 5 designer mind shifts to succeed in your design school! Mind shift 1: Allow you to screw-upMindshift 2: Ask for helpMind shift 3: Compare your performance within the timelines (instead of comparing with others).Mind shift 4: Look for progress, not perfection.Mind Shift 5: Examine your belief. The 5 designer mind shifts to succeed How to succeed in your Design School and not give up! Creativity unfairness Creativity seems to be unfair for some people because some people seem to have the...