Hey guys,

Many of you told me it’s valuable to discover more about the profession of a Product designer – knowing more about the real life out there after your design school.

Today, I am very happy to introduce you my friend, Vincent Védie. We are good friends and he has been my classmate for 4 years at CREAPOLE-ESDI in Paris.

Vincent is determined, passionnate and he has a wonderful Zen attitude – that I believe makes him  a great “observant of life”. Which I believe is an essential quality for a designer – as we take inspiration from people and environement to create.

You will see how he succeed to follow his dream to become a Product designer despite of the big obstacles he met. It all started from a decision to make his dream happenned.

Vincent Vedie at valerie semensatis - product furniture designer.jpg
Vincent Védie – Product designer

Can you tell us about you in few words? 

My name is Vincent Védie, I was born in 1984 in the south suburb of Paris, I lived there for 32 years before moving to Annecy in the French Alps.

I actually work as a freelance product and graphic designer, since 2010 after a 3 years period working for a promotional products and packaging company in Paris.

I always loved to draw, as a kid I took lessons for a couple of years in a local art course with Nicole Sabatier, a talented and passionated painter. (His son is a product designer too)

There I learned to use various tools like watercolors, pastels, charcoals, sepia, oil and gouache, applied to portraits, landscape, still life.

Then I put aside my dreams of being an artist, to follow a more rational way : scientific studies, to become an engineer… bad idea. 😉

But, how did you get into design ?

I was at the university supposing to learn physics and mathematics, and I also took an art option. This is what revealed me that sciences were not made for me. After 6 months, I skipped all the courses except art class.

Then I decided to change my plans, I looked for an artistic cursus, I missed the entrance test to public art schools, I had to find a private one and in October of the same year, I made my arrival to CREAPOLE-ESDI.vincent-vedie-product-designer-outdoor_furniture_sketches

What do you like the most at being a designer ?

I love to create things that people can see, use and appreciate. Always look for the best way to do things, considering ergonomy, ecology, materials, and visual harmony.

Something you don’t like ?

The difficulty to find clients and editors to produce my own projects as a freelance designer. Beside that, the lack of consideration we get from a lot of companies.

How did you learn how to sketch ?

I learnt at Design school with pens and pantone markers, how to make straight and parallels lines, perspectives and ellipses, which are the basics shapes you need to know, blending colors, reflects and shadows.


Share with us your difficulties and how you overcome them ?

The most difficult thing to master is the perspective that makes your sketch realistic. Training again and again is the only way, then it become natural.

 What are your sketching tools ?

“Oh oh I am not supposed to reveal my secrets!” 😉

  1. My favourite tool is the Pentel P209 pen with 0,9 blue leads, I just love it. I use it to make the first sketches, as it does not overload the sheet of layout paper.
  2. Then I use pantone markers or equivalent (Faber Castell PITT B are excellent too, and not only on specific paper, I prefer them for quick sketching) to add color and texture.
  3. To end I draw contours with a Bic black ball pen or a Stabilo black stylist. That’s the way I make my sketches the most often. I also discover Uni Pin fine pens recently, they are perfect for details.
Vincent Vedie Sketching pen favourite - Pentel P209 pen with 0,9 blue leads - pantone markers - Bic black ball pen or a stabilo black stylist.jpg
Vincent Védie favourite tools

When I really need to clean a sketch, I use Adobe Illustrator to draw the lines, then I export them to Photoshop and fill in the colors and textures with my 15yo Wacom Intuos 2.

Most of the time I skip this step to work in 3D with Rhino modeler and Keyshot for the rendering. I am also learning Autodesk Fusion 360 which looks really powerful and precise for modelling.

Do you prefer to draw by hand or digital ?

By hand !
Because that’s my thing, but I also love seeing a product idea become alive with a 3D render.

Can you show us your workstation ?

Office desk product designer = Vincent Vedie.jpg
Vincent’s creative desk

When you lack of inspiration what do you do ?

I just leave my project aside and work on a other, then I come back a couple of days later and have a new eye on it.

If I’m really feeling turning around, I go out to make something different, like sport (I love to run and swim, in winter i go skiing), or I go for a movie or an exhibition, or just hang with friends, to refresh my mind. Travelling is the best way to get fresh inspiration but you need time and more money !

How do you translate your inspiration into your design ?

I have no specific manner, I just accumulate things in my mind like in a library (materials, techniques, styles)… and it goes out while I’m sketching or just thinking on a new project.

What’s your favourite type of projects and why? 

I particularly like furniture design, because people experience it in their everyday life, there are many challenges in ergonomy and uses. And of course you can play with materials and textures.

Can you show us some of your design work ?

I am working on a modular seating concept since a few years, I first presented the prototype in Maison & Objet in Paris last year.

I am still improving it and my goal is to end conception and make the final prototype before january 2017.


Vincent Vedie Product designer Modular furniture design Maison et objets Paris Prototype.JPG
Vincent Védie – Modular seating at Maison et Objets, Paris

Future project ? What is your next step ?

In the future Id love to work on interior design, it’s like product design at a bigger scale.

What Tips would you give to an aspiring designer ?

Draw, draw and draw ! Analyze and learn from the best designers and artists. And never give up.

Do you listen to music while you sketch ? 

I listen to music all day, and style depends on my mood and what I need (like motivation, concentration or just chilling).

I listen to a lot of electronic music and French rap, and sometimes I’m more reggae music… no matter old or brand new songs. I particularly like RadioMeuh.com which is an eclectic webradio based near Annecy.

If you could draw something and make it become reality. What would it be ?

My future home in the mountains surrounding Annecy city. One day 😉

What is the best way to contact you to work with you ?

You can contact me through my website at www.vvdesign.fr,  you’ll find my e-mail and phone there ;).

Thank you Vincent!

I’m very happy having you on the blog sharing with all of us your experience as a Freelance product designer.

If you have any question or message to Vincent, feel free to leave a message below or send an email. 🙂

Take care and see you at the next interview! 
I will introduce you the story and working process of one my friend who is a Footwear designer, ArsenRock. Keep posted!

Have a wonderful day!

PS: I am preparing for you guys an online Design sketching course, and I am looking for exercises to illustrate the topics. Tell me what product you want to learn how to sketch in this little survey:

PPS: To know more about the course, remember to Subscribe to the blog!

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