Archive - September 2019

How to Charge Your Sketching Motivation with Productober

Artists and Designers, get motivated this October with Productober! #Productober is a 31-day drawing challenge, inspired by the successful Inktober yearly event. Amateurs and pros can participate by coming up with creative interpretations of each day’s topic. Get inspired today! How to Charge Your Sketching Motivation with Productober Productober was inspired by Inktober yearly event. From #inktober to #Productober. It is a 31-day drawing challenge created in 2009 by Jake Parker, a comic artist...

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Turn Luck Into a Skill: Get Great Design Opportunities Now

Ready to take control of your design destiny and attract design opportunities? Discover how to turn luck into a skill and upgrade your career prospects! Get ahead of the crowd now! Turning Luck Into a Skill: Get Great Design Opportunities Now In my first year of design school,  Great students were going to the best design companies for internships or jobs. I remember my classmates saying “Oh they are so lucky!” They went to work internationally such as Nike in Portland, Louis...

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Hang out with better student designer than you!

You are a beginner student designer? However, you feel lonely and you can’t progress? That’s normal. Most beginners feel shy when they start. If you are in this case, Do you hide your design drawings and creation? So no one can see your things? Hiding is the best way to protect ourselves from critics. As you can’t possibly fail if nobody sees it. Right? But you got to realize you are building a dangerous fence around you that stop you to become the designer you dream of. Your...

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What Music to Draw for Hours (with Concentration)?

Hi Sketchers! I wanna share with you a simple TIP,yet essential for your drawing routine as a designer. Do you listen to music when you draw?If yes, what’s your favorite selection to find concentration and gain in productivity?Tell us in the comments! Table Of Contents 5 Tips to Draw Longer with Focus Listening to "Relaxing Sound"Selection of Music that Increase my Productivity Lo-fi Hip-Hop PlaylistSTUDIO GHIBLI 2 Hours of Relaxing MusicCELLO Covers of Popular songBuddha Bar V...

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7 Clichés about Designers

Hello !!If you are a designer or a student designer. What does your friend, and family think about your activity?What are the questions people ask about your job? You realize the same questions come up.There are plenty of clichés about you as a designer. I dig today for you the 7 clichés I hear the most from (non-designer) people I met. If you aspire to become a Designer,I hope today’s article will give you an eye-opening insider view. : ) *Do you know any cliché...

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Is it hard to create for a designer?

Yesterday 12.00pm, I went at the French restaurant L’Usine. It was my second meeting with my “Tinder date” Ngoc. *Pronounced “Gnop” in Vietnamese with a bit inflated cheeks like a pouting baby. I was very excited to meet her again because we are very different​, but have essential things in common. I felt I could learn a lot from her.​I admire her determination. And how much she helps kids through education by teaching foreign languages. She basically opens a wide...

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6 reasons why sketching beats 3D software at creativity

Hello ! Today let’s BOOST your motivation to create and enjoy the 6 benefits of learning sketching on paper! Why? Because there is no better sensation than to create with the traditional way! We saw in the previous TIP 243 that too many design students hide their sketching weakness by relying on 3D software. However, don’t get me wrong. I am not saying you should banish them. If you master these 3D softwares, it is a wonderful asset! But you have to master sketching! Why? Because...

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Do not rely on software. Sketch!

Too many students “hide” their poor sketching skills behind learning 3d software. They want to impress with a portfolio full of quality pictures. Some will suceed. But too often the porfolio ends poor in ideas…   Today, let me show you why as an aspiring Product designer, you should NOT rely 100% on computer if you want to succeed in the long run. If you are ok, let me share with you my personal experience taken from my first internship in Product design. I was at my 3rd...

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“How many hours to practice sketching per week to become a Designer?”

“How many hours to practice sketching per week to become a Designer?” Our logic brain crave to ask that question. And that is normal. However, to succeed in sketching and become a Designer. You shouldn’t think by hours… Why? Because that doesn’t put you in the right mindset for fast progress. To practice sketching, you have to follow your heart first. And enjoy practicing without looking at your watch. You are no more at school with 2 hours of english class per...

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How to attract success for your designer career

I love receiving your messages. You share with me your happy and tough moments too. Your stories on your design journey are truly inspiring. Thank you! Some says: “I am exciting to join a design school next September!”, “I have just been hired by a design company!” … While others say:  “I am an engineer, I always dream of becoming an industrial designer but I can’t.” “I am not good enough, who am I to succeed?” “I can’t...

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