Unlock your creativity with this Creative Doodle Technique.
Learn how to draw a bag in just 4 steps with this helpful tutorial for the Concept app on iPad Pro!

The Creative Doodle Technique: How to Draw a Bag in 4 Easy Steps


How to start drawing anything better in 4 steps | the Random Product technique: https://www.thedesignsketchbook.com/tip-138-how-to-start-drawing-anything-better-in-4-steps-with-the-random-product-technique/

Draw more ideas with the random product technique (+ Photoshop quick render): https://www.thedesignsketchbook.com/how-to-multiply-your-ideas-with-the-random-product-technique/

How to draw Creative Doodle Bag - Product design sketching Free video tutorial drawing
How to draw Creative random doodles of bags - Product design sketching - The Design Sketchbook Free video tutorial guide a
Concept app allows you to draw with vectors.
How to draw Creative random doodles of bags - Product design sketching - The Design Sketchbook Free video tutorial guide a1 Subscribe to the Youtube Channel
Remember to subscribe to my Youtube channel!
How to draw Creative random doodles of bags - Product design sketching - The Design Sketchbook Free video tutorial guide a2 Draw random forms
Step 1 Draw random simple forms
How to draw Creative random doodles of bags - Product design sketching - The Design Sketchbook Free video tutorial guide a6 Add contour lines
Step 2 Add contour lines to create basic 3d volumes
How to draw Creative random doodles of bags - Product design sketching - The Design Sketchbook Free video tutorial guide a7
The contour lines form a cross
How to draw Creative random doodles of bags - Product design sketching - The Design Sketchbook Free video tutorial guide a8 The random product technique video tutorial
You can explore the “Random Product technique” here
How to draw Creative random doodles of bags - Product design sketching - The Design Sketchbook Free video tutorial guide a9
Another example of this random product technique inspired by Sony
How to draw Creative random doodles of bags - Product design sketching - The Design Sketchbook Free video tutorial guide a10
Concept being a vector app, it is very easy to suppress that accidental line in 1 click!
How to draw Creative random doodles of bags - Product design sketching - The Design Sketchbook Free video tutorial guide a11 Erase the accident lines
How to draw Creative random doodles of bags - Product design sketching - The Design Sketchbook Free video tutorial guide a12
How to draw Creative random doodles of bags - Product design sketching - The Design Sketchbook Free video tutorial guide a13
Step 3 Add details, accessories, functions…
How to draw Creative random doodles of bags - Product design sketching - The Design Sketchbook Free video tutorial guide a14
Remember to draw from General forms to details
How to draw Creative random doodles of bags - Product design sketching - The Design Sketchbook Free video tutorial guide a15
Brainstorming bag forms
How to draw Creative random doodles of bags - Product design sketching - The Design Sketchbook Free video tutorial guide a16
Have fun with doodling bags!
How to draw Creative random doodles of bags - Product design sketching - The Design Sketchbook Free video tutorial guide a18
Step 4 Start with 2 random forms
How to draw Creative random doodles of bags - Product design sketching - The Design Sketchbook Free video tutorial guide a21
We try to have a dynamic composition
How to draw Creative random doodles of bags - Product design sketching - The Design Sketchbook Free video tutorial guide a22
With Concepts, the zoom-out is infinite!!
How to draw Creative random doodles of bags - Product design sketching - The Design Sketchbook Free video tutorial guide a24
How to draw Creative random doodles of bags - Product design sketching - The Design Sketchbook Free video tutorial guide a26
Adding a logo gives an upper dimension to your sketch
How to draw Creative random doodles of bags - Product design sketching - The Design Sketchbook Free video tutorial guide a29
Refer to art books for reference
How to draw Creative random doodles of bags - Product design sketching - The Design Sketchbook Free video tutorial guide a31
From light to bold lines
How to draw Creative random doodles of bags - Product design sketching - The Design Sketchbook Free video tutorial guide a32
Don’t try to be perfect!
How to draw Creative random doodles of bags - Product design sketching - The Design Sketchbook Free video tutorial guide a33
Look for quantity of ideas
How to draw Creative random doodles of bags - Product design sketching - The Design Sketchbook Free video tutorial guide a34
From 2d forms to 3d volume of a bag
How to draw Creative random doodles of bags - Product design sketching - The Design Sketchbook Free video tutorial guide a35
Think productivity. This technique allows you to come up with plenty of ideas in a short time.
How to draw Creative random doodles of bags - Product design sketching - The Design Sketchbook Free video tutorial guide a36
Take it easy! Not every single of your sketch will be nice. And that’s ok!
How to draw Creative random doodles of bags - Product design sketching - The Design Sketchbook Free video tutorial guide a37
Using curvy contour lines for organic forms
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How to draw Creative random doodles of bags - Product design sketching - The Design Sketchbook Free video tutorial guide a39
Let your ideas flow
How to draw Creative random doodles of bags - Product design sketching - The Design Sketchbook Free video tutorial guide a40
How to draw Creative random doodles of bags - Product design sketching - The Design Sketchbook Free video tutorial guide a41
How to draw Creative random doodles of bags - Product design sketching - The Design Sketchbook Free video tutorial guide a42
How to draw Creative random doodles of bags - Product design sketching - The Design Sketchbook Free video tutorial guide a43
How to draw Creative random doodles of bags - Product design sketching - The Design Sketchbook Free video tutorial guide a44
How to draw Creative random doodles of bags - Product design sketching - The Design Sketchbook Free video tutorial guide a46
How to draw Creative random doodles of bags - Product design sketching - The Design Sketchbook Free video tutorial guide a47
How to draw Creative random doodles of bags - Product design sketching - The Design Sketchbook Free video tutorial guide a48
How to draw Creative random doodles of bags - Product design sketching - The Design Sketchbook Free video tutorial guide a49

Chou-Tac Chung:

Hey guys,

Welcome to Thedesignsketchbook.com and today we will draw in 4 steps creative doodle bags.

So we are going to use App “Concepts” on iPad Pro 12.9 inch.

And before getting started, I invite you to subscribe to the channel and click on the bell to make sure you will get all the notifications for the next videos.

Alright, let’s get started with step one, and draw some random forms.
So basically, you just take a pen and fill it in with the canvas of some random shape without thinking about them.

And if this thing happened, you may have some “Palm conflict”. So I do recommend you as a tip to wear a drawing glove and you can find them on Amazon.

Let’s go now Step two is to add some contour lines.

This is what is going to help you very fast to show some shapes in three dimensions. So we used to have just now Some 2d forms that we draw in a few seconds and just in a few seconds again we are going to have his 3d forms.

And this is what is going to help you to show you the surface of it how flat or round you can give to this volume.

And I invite you to go and see more on these videos I will put the link below in the description if you want to learn even more about them.

And can you see that line that curve is actually was also an accident I still wearing a palm glove, but my third finger is actually still touching sometimes the canvas of the iPad.

So what is cool with the Concept app is that you can erase accident lines anytime.

So now we have already our main forms, our main 3d forms that we are going to use to draw details on. So remember, one of the main principles in design sketching is to start from the general shape first and then go into the details.

So step one, we have the general shape step two, we have the contour lines, and in step three we add details. It is really from the big picture to zoom in into the details and this is how you’re going to be able to be more creative into coming out with so many ideas very fast – in this one random doodle sketching here.

And so what I do here for the bag is that what matters to give it a more product-oriented feel is the small details that you can import. You can start following your intuition from your memory, what you know about bags first and then you may also take some inspirational pictures if you need them.

Or, so simply take some bags that you have at home and see what you can add inside. All right.

It’s really like a game. Make it fun. Make it something you can doodle in at home, outside, or in a cafe. It is really like when you have no ideas, this is pretty effortless because you have no purpose to follow a brief.

You have no purpose to satisfy anyone except yourself by just playing a new game that is coming out with new forms.

And what you are going to do it here is that it doesn’t matter if it’s ugly or not if it’s perfect or not. Because what you want is to simply improve. Okay? And you will see that usually with this simple exercise, but at the beginning is going to be more clumsy. It is going to be flatter, with not much personality, but the more you will draw more interesting forms will appear.

And one of the things here that I like to play, is to add two double forms, two double random forms, and then you assemble them together with contour lines and you come out with something with more volume, more interesting, okay.

It’s really how you can challenge your creativity, how you can come up with new things effortlessly, I would say.

So try to import the shapes that you may have seen, you may have felt that from objects that you like, if you love cars, maybe even import some cars designed inside some curves that remind them if you like, earphones maybe is going to remind these kinds of forms as well. If you like electronics, we never know because in product design, everything is linked everything the forms are actually expressing something and this is what you try to do here.

So this is pretty cool because you want to draw as many as you want. on the canvas. Your first target is to fill your canvas, but you will see that with these random doodles challenge concepts. You can zoom out and see you still have a lot of space all around. And I couldn’t resist actually drawing more. So, in real time this first part took me about 30 minutes. And let’s carry on to drawing some more. Once again, take your time. It is no rush here.

So this part I didn’t want to speed up too fast so you still have time to draw with me. So now you’ve got the main concept of the first steps. I invite you to take a pen and some piece of paper or your iPad and download “Concept” if you like to or use any app for drawing, or your favorite one if you want to start drawing with me. So we can draw together with some nice music and keep going here.

So when you have drawn a doodle, try to feel like in your mind that you’re zooming into the details.

Here I remember that I had some inspiration for a gas mask.

And this is what you want to do to see how you can mix and match your ideas. And you can also add a logo, which is the Nike logo right here. And I can tell you that adding a logo is a really good tip to give some more productive feeling also, to your design. Some of the drawings will be pretty much not so inspirational as others, so don’t spend too much time on them if you want. And skip and go to another one. It’s all fine.

Focus on what you like drawing and just keep going that way. So I draw two random forms I linked and then I see oh wow that’s going to be interesting volume and let’s continue.

Here is the handle and if you have some concept art books also I can invite you to flip the pages before starting or during if you want to so for me I was flipping the concept art books of the video game Halo. And subconsciously it’s some forms will come up in your mind and you will apply them in your drawings.

So remember to start with light pen pressure and then you bold along the way. Okay?

So you can have the overall sketch, which is going to be more clear than if you have a heavy wrist from start.

And as you can see, the way I doodle is that I’m not trying to have perfect lines, I’m not trying to be so stiff, I just let it go, everything is very smooth.

And when you learn how to actually let go, you will surprise yourself with how professional you can get for your rough. Because what you want here is to have quantity. In design and creativity actually quantity matters.

And this is how you will always have the time to improve on quality in other hand, and if you can have the strength of Quality and quality both together, so you will win because both will serve different purposes, when you have quantity is going to be very cool to be able to draw very fast your idea because you just want to come out with a variety of them.

And because you shouldn’t always trust your first idea sometimes Yes, as like a bet, but you will never know if another one better could be happening.

But if you have a variety of ideas, actually it helps you to go in the direction we wouldn’t expect from that. And then when you have a few selections of all these various ideas. If you’re confident in one or two directions, you can go and do more quality full sketches.

And this is how you’re going to avoid the situation of spending hours doing a quality sketch but with a weak idea, right? So quantity matters, making sure that some quality ideas will come out and they will be worth spending on quality sketches.

I hope it makes sense.

Just remember that product design sketching is also about productivity.

How do you save your energy and your time to be as proficient and communicative as you can for your colleagues, or for your boss, or your clients when you present your ideas.

And for here, this exercise is not for the quality, is not for presenting. It is for yourself to improve. Okay?

So this is why when you told that, do that exercise this game, take it easy. And once in a while when you are bored, just draw.

It’s really important to have fun when you sketch. And here with the contour line, I like to draw this little hole here.

Some form doesn’t make much sense but it’s okay. Just keep going and exploring. Because knowing what is possible or not possible is actually keeping sharpening your skills.

And try to have this feel of perspective as well.

So, when you draw you can have some time to non-stop drawing. So non-stop fluidity, like trying to have your flow of ideas keep flowing, like the current of a river. And for the details, if you want to, it’s okay to slow down a bit.

Think and draw.

So once again, no rush. It is just trying to just let it go and take it easy. And you can find some different placements of the logo. Some more or less innovative ones and see how you can make them appealing.

So I hope you enjoy this random doodle challenge of the bags. I really invite you to draw as many as possible. Because there is a moment that you would feel like you can’t stop it. You just keep drawing.

This is how you can actually create some new forms to feed your mind with new forms. Randomness is very essential when you want to be creative. It’s something that we shouldn’t underestimate. We should use our advantage.

It is like, you’re trying to make the luck of finding randomly new forms as a skill. Because this is not 100% luck because this is something that will be linked to your own personality, to your own feelings. To how you want to express your lines. And this is something that will be very unique to you.

Your random doodle will be different from your classmate, from another designer, and from mine. It’s going to be your interpretation of randomness. And this is why it’s so cool and this is why working, and improving on your own style will make a difference in your portfolio. Okay?

And this is what makes it pretty exciting because when everyone is unique, we can actually be surprised. And we surprised ourselves and we can surprise others.

And this is what we love doing in design sketching, ng is to have this surprise when you draw and create something new that you were not thinking able to do from stat.

Alright, so I hope you enjoy the videos and I invite you to carry on with some others here if you want to go deeper in these directions and also learn the basics of Perspective.

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