9 tips to draw every day

Draw Your Way to Happiness: 10 Tips to Make Art a Daily Habit ✏️📅🏆

I receive messages from new readers
about "How they regretted stopping drawing". Are you in that case too? We ... >> Click to open
is it difficult to learn how to draw

4 Tips to learn how to draw for “scared beginners”

Do you want to learn how to draw?
It becomes overwhelming pretty fast, right? We have no idea how to ... >> Click to open
Practicing drawing bad can be beneficial

3 Reasons Why Starting with Bad Drawings is Great

Practicing drawing badly can be beneficial! But how? 3 Reasons Why Starting with Bad Drawings is Great Any beginner ... >> Click to open
How to draw without copying

How to Draw without Copying?

Do you feel fed up with copying others?
Do you wonder how to start drawing the right way? How to ... >> Click to open
How do artists deal with stress?

How To Be More Creative When Stressed Out

Being an artist or a designer can be stressful and that affects our creativity.
I show you how you can ... >> Click to open
how to draw daily

How to Draw Daily? 3 Mind Hacks for Creativity

Emmanuel struggles to find time to draw.
Sometimes, he stops for days or weeks, and it feels like a hurdle ... >> Click to open
5 Reasons to drop Academic for Design School.

5 Reasons to drop Academic for Design School.

Drop academic school and go to a design school instead.
It sounds crazy, right?
But if you're looking for ... >> Click to open
how to start drawing

7 Tips to Start Drawing Now as a Novice Artist

Ready to take your first step toward becoming an artist or a designer?
These 7 essential tips on how ... >> Click to open
progress fast in design school

How to Speed Up Your Design Progress as a Student

How fast do your skills in Design progress?
travel sketchbook in Vietnam

Sketching The Country: How to Create a Travel Sketchbook in Vietnam

If you too dream of sketching when you travel, follow me during that amazing journey in Vietnam
where I ... >> Click to open
build your confidence

8 Ways to Build Your Confidence as a Designer

Do you feel shy, and hesitant to draw to show your idea?
You may wonder how to build your confidence? ... >> Click to open
Dwayne Vance - Toy Designer interview

How to Become a Toy Designer | Dwayne Vance’s Journey

I had the great honor to chat with Dwayne Vance for this exclusive Designer interview!
Together we discover How ... >> Click to open
how to start a drawing routine for beginner

How to Start a Drawing Routine and Stick To It

Are you a beginner sketcher?
You need to build a "success mindset". All start with building a drawing routine ... >> Click to open
Is it competitive to become a Designer?

Is it competitive to become a Designer?

Do you think of a career as a Product designer? But you wonder about the competition?
I share with you ... >> Click to open
Discover if You Have What It Takes To Be A Successful Designer

Do You Have What It Takes To Be A Successful Designer

More important than drawing, you need to build your character to succeed as a Product designer. Discover if you ... >> Click to open
so you want to be a designer

So, you want to Become a Designer? | It’s possible.

"You can't have a career in Art. It's a hobby."
This belief needs to be strongly demystified. I show ... >> Click to open
draw daily with fun

8 Reasons Why Drawing Daily is the Most Fun You’ll Have All Day

Are you thinking about Sketching Daily (or at least more often)?
Let's see the 8 benefits to draw anytime without ... >> Click to open
How to improve your sketching skills

How to Improve Your Drawing Skills Quickly When You’re Busy

Are you struggling to fit artistic practice into a busy life?
Discover 2 simple but effective TIPS to improve ... >> Click to open
8 student tips to succeed design school

How to Make the Most Out Of Your Art & Design School Studies

Admitted into art & design school? Congratulations!
Here are some tips and tricks on how to make the most ... >> Click to open
the 5 designer mind shifts to succeed

The 5 Designer mind shifts to succeed (in your Design school)!

The 5 designer mind shifts to succeed in your design school!
How to beat the blank page

How to Overcome Creative Blocks: A Trick for Artists and Designers

Product designers can't wait for ideas to fall from the sky.
Let me share with you a trick to conquer ... >> Click to open
how to become extra ordinary

Start Living an Extra-Ordinary Life with These 7 Steps

Want to live a life of purpose? Discover 6 easy steps to give your daily life an exciting twist! ... >> Click to open
overcoming procrastination and start to draw

How to Start Drawing now | Overcoming Procrastination

Learn the secrets of overcoming procrastination so that you can finally unlock your potential for creativity and achieve your ... >> Click to open
how to be in the top 10% students

How to be in the top 10% of Students (School of Art and Design)

Want to stand out from the crowd in an art & design school?
I help you become part of ... >> Click to open
how to stop procrastination homework

How to Stop Procrastinating Homework with this 5mn Mind-Tricks

Struggling to get your schoolwork done?
This easy trick breaks through procrastinating homework and gives you the power of ... >> Click to open
Make your own luck to take control of your success

How to Take Control of Your Success and Become an Industrial Designer

It's time to stop waiting for fortune favors, take control of your success!
Discover how by focusing on following ... >> Click to open
digital detox how to disconnect social media

How to Disconnect and Stop Procrastinating as a Designer: 5 Tips

Are you looking for ways to increase your efficiency as a designer?
Try these easy tips to help you ... >> Click to open
how i graduated design school drawing at night

How to Expand your Creativity Sketching at Night

Spend a peaceful night sketching session and unleash new ideas!
Learn all the tips and tricks for successful midnight ... >> Click to open

How to Charge Your Sketching Motivation with Productober

Artists and Designers, get motivated this October with Productober!
  • #Productober is a 31-day drawing challenge, inspired by the ... >> Click to open
Turn Luck Into a Skill: Get Great Design Opportunities Now

Turn Luck Into a Skill: Get Great Design Opportunities Now

Ready to take control of your design destiny and attract design opportunities?
Hang out with better student designer than you!

Hang out with better student designer than you!

You are a beginner student designer? However, you feel lonely and you can't progress? That's normal. Most beginners feel shy when ... >> Click to open
Noisli app focus and boost productivity

How to Draw with Calm and Focus | NOISLI APP

Listening to NOISLI while working When you are a design student or a freelance,
you need self-discipline to get things done. No ... >> Click to open
What music to draw for hours with concentration?

What music to draw for hours with concentration?

Today, I wanna share with you a simple TIP, yet essential for your drawing routine as a designer. Do ... >> Click to open
Is it hard to create for a designer?

Is it hard to create for a designer?

Yesterday 12.00pm, I went at the French restaurant L'Usine. It was my second meeting with my "Tinder date" Ngoc ... >> Click to open
6 reasons why sketching beats 3D software at creativity

6 reasons why sketching beats 3D software at creativity

Hello ! Today let's BOOST your motivation to create and enjoy the 6 benefits of learning sketching on paper! Why? Because ... >> Click to open
Do not rely on software. Sketch!

Do not rely on software. Sketch!

Too many students "hide" their poor sketching skills behind learning 3d software. They want to impress with a portfolio ... >> Click to open
"How many hours to practice sketching per week to become a Designer?"

“How many hours to practice sketching per week to become a Designer?”

"How many hours to practice sketching per week to become a Designer?" Our logic brain crave to ask that question ... >> Click to open
Are you ready for the "90 DESIGN TIP-A-DAY Challenge"?

Are you ready for the “90 DESIGN TIP-A-DAY Challenge”?

Hello! How are you today? Become the best sketcher you can be with the "90 DESIGN TIP-A-DAY Challenge"! Take ... >> Click to open
Are you making these excuses to procrastinate at drawing? (Part 2)

Are you making these excuses to procrastinate at drawing? (Part 2)

Hello ! How are you doing today? Today is the 2nd part of: "Are you making these excuses to procrastinate ... >> Click to open
Are you making these excuses to procrastinate? (Part 1)

Are you making these excuses to procrastinate? (Part 1)

Hello ! It's Chou-Tac, It's 5pm. I am writing to you from Ho Chi Minh City in Vietnam. I ... >> Click to open
7 TIPS to stop procrastinating and start your designer dream with love!

7 TIPS to stop procrastinating and start your designer dream with love!

To be happy, you got to visualize your dream and make it happened !1st January 2019, I realised something.  ... >> Click to open
How long should I sketch per week ? Question from Tim B.

How long should I sketch per week ? Question from Tim B.

Hello ! It's Chou-Tac, I received an email from Tim B. asking me how long should he sketch per ... >> Click to open
samsung product design SADI

Why you should become a Product Designer now – Jongho LEE (SAMSUNG Art and Design Institute)

Hello, it's Chou-Tac, Today we travel to South Korea! Let's meet up with JONGHO LEE! I am ... >> Click to open
How bad do you want to be a Product designer ?

How bad do you want to be a Product designer ?

15th July 2018: France won the World Cup !!! Last night I discovered 2 players from the French team ... >> Click to open
How to Be More Creative Daily? (W/ Renata Lahalle)

How to Be More Creative Daily? (W/ Renata Lahalle)

Ola from Madrid, in Spain!
Sometimes, we lack inspiration.
We wonder what to draw and we face the blank page. 
Junior artists ... >> Click to open
2 reasons why a mom encourages her son to become a designer

2 reasons why a mom encourages her son to become a designer

Today I would like to share with you an inspiring discussion I had. While many parents push their kids ... >> Click to open
21 Drawing Tips on How to Make a Designer Sketchbook

21 Drawing Tips on How to Make a Designer Sketchbook

Do you dream of starting your own Designer sketchbook?
Here are 21 useful tips to help you make your ... >> Click to open
How to Start Design Sketching? (The BIG MISTAKE to avoid)

How to Start Design Sketching? (The BIG MISTAKE to avoid)

How to Start Design Sketching? | Q. from Omar Hi sketching lovers!
Do you start design sketching? Today I ... >> Click to open
How long should I practice per day to be Good at sketching?

How long should I practice per day to be Good at sketching?

Hey guys, It's Chou-Tac, There is a question I receive pretty often: How long should I practice per day to ... >> Click to open
How Parker Liang became one of the top design sketcher of his class (and impress his classmates!)

How Parker Liang became one of the top design sketcher of his class (and impress his classmates!)

Hi guys, I have just received an happy email from Parker, who is a member of my course Sketch ... >> Click to open
Anyone with GOOD LOGIC can learn how to sketch. See why.

Anyone with GOOD LOGIC can learn how to sketch. See why.

Hello from Osaka ! I am travelling with my good friend Eliane and her big family in Japan. We ... >> Click to open
No time for drawing? How to unlock 5 months per year!

No time for drawing? How to unlock 5 months per year!

Hello! It's Chou-Tac, How are you doing today? I know how we all have a busy life, and how ... >> Click to open
What matter more than sketching or creativity skills to grow like crazy.

What matter more than sketching or creativity skills to grow like crazy.

Hello ! It's Chou-Tac, How things going today ? At noon, I met Eugene and his wife Mandy for ... >> Click to open
Surround yourself with passionate people to grow your sketching level.

Surround yourself with passionate people to grow your sketching level.

Hello ! Hello ! It's ChouTac, How are you ? It's Saturday, and Saturday is a Happy Day ! ... >> Click to open
Show all what you got in your design portfolio!

Show all what you got in your design portfolio!

It's 4:58 am and I can't sleep. I guess I am still a bit Jetlagged after my 28 hours journey ... >> Click to open
Why  starting school as a  beginner may give you an unfair advantage?

Why starting school as a beginner may give you an unfair advantage?

First of all before starting this article: every school has their own policy and criteria for selecting their students ... >> Click to open
mr bailey footwear designer interview

How to Become a Shoe Designer? | Mr. Bailey –

Today we discover how Mr. Bailey's experience can help you on How to become a shoe designer. Today's ... >> Click to open
How to succeed your drawings making ugly doodles!

How to succeed your drawings making ugly doodles!

Hey guys! How are you today? I just went back to my Calystehnic class. (Also called Street workout). It's ... >> Click to open
What matter more than years of sketching.

What matter more than years of sketching.

How long have you been sketching? To give a short answer, I have 2 big periods of drawing. The first one ... >> Click to open
Art books are my inspiration Red bull!

Art books are my inspiration Red bull!

I went to the famous book shop in Singapore: Kinokuniya. They have a huge Art & Design corner where ... >> Click to open
"True inspiration comes from life. Not a pixelated version of it." - Sir John Hegarty

“True inspiration comes from life. Not a pixelated version of it.” – Sir John Hegarty

"Remove the headphones and unplug the computer. True inspiration comes from life. Real life. Not some pixelated version of ... >> Click to open
At Starbucks doodle on receipts - the design sketchbook - design sketching tutorial

Doodle on receipts at Starbucks (Singapore)

My girlfriend and I went to Starbuck last Tuesday. She likes to go there to work without distraction. So ... >> Click to open
3 rules from Kimon Nicolaides to learn making 1000 mistakes

3 rules from Kimon Nicolaides to learn making 1000 mistakes

1 Learning how to sketch is about making iteration. We try, we do mistakes, we adjust... we retry... and ... >> Click to open
Why a good relationship designer/technician counts more than any skill?

Why a good relationship designer/technician counts more than any skill?

Whenever we have a problem, we dig in the past to find a similar case to solve the case ... >> Click to open
Your first idea is toxic! ☠️

Your first idea is toxic! ☠️

Sometimes we feel like a genius when an idea pop in our mind.
How to learn to draw for beginners?

How to learn to draw for beginners?

Learn to draw is not intuitive. We often believe drawing skills are innate, so it creates some mental roadblocks ... >> Click to open
3 Design Tips to get inspired from an abstract painter

3 Design Tips to get inspired from an abstract painter

It’s surprising how much you can learn from people you’ve just met. Last week-end I went to  visit the ... >> Click to open
How I started design sketching and kept motivated ?

How I started design sketching and kept motivated ?

Most beginners abandon their dreams because of lack of confidence. They love sketching but give up too early. They ... >> Click to open
Why you Should Learn Drawing by Making Mistakes

Why you Should Learn Drawing by Making Mistakes

Yesterday, one of my students of my course Sketch Like The Pros asked me:
"I am making mistakes. Is ... >> Click to open
How to keep motivated (having poor results) and avoid procrastination ? | TIP 147

How to keep motivated (having poor results) and avoid procrastination ? | TIP 147

This article has been inspired from questions asked by the members of my blog who answered my previous survey: ... >> Click to open
How to find your drawing style?

How to find your drawing style?

Be inspired by artists and designers you admire. I was inspired by:
5 reasons why sharing your skills will help you improve

5 reasons why sharing your skills will help you improve

Whether at school or in the industry, it’s an asset for a designer “to be unique”.
To be unique, ... >> Click to open
Why being Perfectionist will make you Fail?

Why being Perfectionist will make you Fail?

Hey Design Sketcher! Today I would like to share with you an article about Perfectionism, written by Elizabeth Grace ... >> Click to open
9 Must-see website for industrial designers

9 Must-see website for industrial designers

Nowadays, the world move fast, maybe too fast sometime. To keep updated a designer has to allocate some time ... >> Click to open
How to keep Mr Procrastination away

How to keep Mr Procrastination away

To constantly improve at Design Sketching, we know that Practice is the key. But M. Procrastination like to call ... >> Click to open
10 steps to Be irresistible at your Design interview

10 steps to Be irresistible at your Design interview

Anything can happen! The interview itself could be short, or could stretch on for upwards of three hours. It ... >> Click to open
Learn better by better enjoying the present

Learn better by better enjoying the present

A TIP I recommend especially for beginners who have difficulties to start - who try to draw, but can’t ... >> Click to open
18 meters of sketches in 7 Days >> Roll of Paper Challenge

18 meters of sketches in 7 Days >> Roll of Paper Challenge

7-days Roll of paper challenge I started without knowing the lenght of the roll. But I needed to set ... >> Click to open
Roll of paper challenge - Day 2 - How to regain motivation at drawing ?

Roll of paper challenge – Day 2 – How to regain motivation at drawing ?

Second day of the Roll of paper challenge. My mood is not there. I sit and carry on ... >> Click to open
Roll of paper challenge: 7 days to fill the roll of sketches | Concept art

Roll of paper challenge: 7 days to fill the roll of sketches | Concept art

To improve we need to regularly get out of our comfort zone. It’s something that we don’t do naturally ... >> Click to open
Shoe design workshop - Perseverance pays off

Shoe design workshop – Perseverance pays off

I have friends who are big shoe lovers. They asked me to teach them how to draw shoes for ... >> Click to open
14 Design job interview Hacks to succeed with confidence

14 Design job interview Hacks to succeed with confidence

Take the term hacking as a positive idea. You want to promote yourself, not “selling yourself”. Once again, be ... >> Click to open
In the subway, don't look at your phone. Sketch! (Urban Sketching)

In the subway, don’t look at your phone. Sketch! (Urban Sketching)

People who are used to take the subway may spend 20, 30, 40 minutes inside per day. How many ... >> Click to open
Discovering How to Draw Product Design Through Failing Better

Discovering How to Draw Product Design Through Failing Better

Last night I was bothered, because I couldn’t draw. I felt that whatever stroke I put on the canvas, ... >> Click to open
Sketching Big - The Secret for Improved Performance

Sketching Big – The Secret for Improved Performance

The bigger is our drawings, the bigger our mistakes appear! I know how we feel at the start. We ... >> Click to open
How to Manage your Motivation and Avoid Costly Mistakes

How to Manage your Motivation and Avoid Costly Mistakes

Do you know that drawing is also about motivation management? I recommend to do not go into details too ... >> Click to open
Start Sketching Now and Keep the Memories Alive!

Start Sketching Now and Keep the Memories Alive!

I was sketching some buildings of Penang, A family stopped by and congratulate me on that drawing. It is ... >> Click to open
How To Draw Anything For $1 and Never Get Bored

How To Draw Anything For $1 and Never Get Bored

I started to take a bad habit. Looking ay my phone or Ipad when I get bored. And it ... >> Click to open
Why Sketch Thumbnails Instead of a Finished Piece of Art

Why Sketch Thumbnails Instead of a Finished Piece of Art

When you start drawing, your are often more focused on making a beautiful picture than getting a great idea ... >> Click to open
Train Yourself Drawing Things You Love - Learn With The Minions!

Train Yourself Drawing Things You Love – Learn With The Minions!

TIP #45 Have FUN when you draw !! CHOUTAC CHUNG – THE MINION INVADERS All started with some random ... >> Click to open
No More Erasing – Learn Product Design Sketching Faster!

No More Erasing – Learn Product Design Sketching Faster!

Learning how to draw seams to be already quite tough. Then we should learn without erasing and correcting ... >> Click to open
How to Get Inspired to Draw: Concept Art Tips

How to Get Inspired to Draw: Concept Art Tips

How to Get Inspired to Draw: Concept Art Tips Today I show you great Concept Art tips to progress ... >> Click to open
Debunking The '10,000 Hours of Practice' Rule

Debunking The ‘10,000 Hours of Practice’ Rule

Thank you Renata for your comment at theDesignSketchbook Facebook page.
It helped me to clarify even more my ... >> Click to open
How to Overcome the 'I'm Not Good Enough' Mindset and Start Drawing Again

How to Overcome the ‘I’m Not Good Enough’ Mindset and Start Drawing Again

"Practice practice practice drawing" is overrated. It's truly important, but that's Not the only rule to success. Before that, ... >> Click to open
How to Overcome Your Fear of Failure

How to Overcome Your Fear of Failure

Have you ever felt awkward to draw something when people are looking above your shoulder? It happens that a ... >> Click to open
Unlock Your Creativity: How to Doodle Note Easily

Unlock Your Creativity: How to Doodle Note Easily

It takes about 4 hours to go to Annecy from Paris by TGV (300km/hour High-speed train). The landscape displayed ... >> Click to open
Don't Let Negativity Rule Your Life as a Designer: Here's How!

Don’t Let Negativity Rule Your Life as a Designer: Here’s How!

 TIP 17 Don’t be a fool. Be happy. Filter the information which tries to come into your brain. Decide ... >> Click to open
Bring Your Ideas to Life - Doodle Your Ideas on Post-it Anywhere

Bring Your Ideas to Life – Doodle Your Ideas on Post-it Anywhere

Yesterday I went to the hospital for a body check-up in Saigon. I checked my hung, liver, stomach, blood, ... >> Click to open
How to get a more sensitive pen with Sketchbook Pro? (For heavy-wrist sketchers)

How to get a more sensitive pen with Sketchbook Pro? (For heavy-wrist sketchers)

The earphone is a great subject for sketching various forms. They could be organic or minimalist. Today is just ... >> Click to open